I still see that fat girl.
Last week I had a conversation with one of my closest girlfriends.
She told me that she could not wait to share her accomplishments with me. She
has lost inches and pounds and has put her heart and soul into setting goals
and crushing them.
I was overjoyed for HER joy, but then she said something
that we all have thought when going through a body change. “I just don’t see it.
I still see the fat girl.”
I couldn’t reprimand her. I couldn’t get annoyed. I’ve been
there. So many of us have.
Looking in the mirror and adjusting what we see is the most difficult
part of change. We have a certain image imprinted in our brains of what we
think we see rather than what’s right in front of us. We have spent years formulating
an opinion of our physical self.
Although we may never be able to completely reverse our
mental reflection, we definitely can alter it.
We can adjust our harsh opinions of ourselves.
Instead of getting in front of the mirror and picking at the
parts of our bodies that we hate the most, why not make it our mission to fall
in love with the things about us that make us the incredible humans that we
Make a list of all the things we find happiness in. Smile ourselves,
pick out a great outfit, a swanky piece of jewelry, anything that will make our
vibe shine.
We are all allowed moments of critique, that will always be
a thing, but how about we make it our mission to turn it around faster than before?
Find love, find peace, and spread body positivity not only
to each other, but to ourselves as well.