Friday, July 26, 2019

Feeling sexy at any size may SEEM like it has its challenges, but there are a few simple rules to help smooth out the process.

Fist Rule:

Never dress to impress anyone else! You have to feel sexy and empowered on your own and if you're worried about getting someone else's attention based on the clothes you wear, you'll never know what it feels like to feel absolutely unstoppable.

Second Rule:

Dress for the body you have right now- NOT the body you used to have and NOT the body you want to have. Make sure that the clothes you have fit and feel comfortable. That dress you're dying to squeeze back into? Chuck it in the fuck it bucket. You don't need to put that pressure on yourself. Keeping those "fat pants" to remember the days you never want to get back to? Ditch them. We are hard enough on ourselves every day. We don't need a dress three sizes too small or pants that we now swim in to be a constant reminder of bad body image.

Third Rule:

Who cares about size. If you find something you like on the rack, bring in ALL the sizes. Don't look at the tags when you try them on and pick the one that fits your body the best. Between my jeans, dresses, workout clothes, I wear about six different sizes at one time. Who cares. What matters is that it fits and you feel amazing.

Fourth Rule:

Stay in your expense lane! If it is going to break the bank and make you stress, don't do it. If it is a budget friendly find then take the extra cash and get an iced coffee. Some of my most amazing outfits are the least expensive in my closet and the compliments are endless.

DON'T FORGET, sexy and confidence come from within your head and your heart. Rock what you're wearing, may it be a sexy dinner date outfit, ripped jeans and white T, or (in my current state) the coziest joggers and a tank top. It is most important to feel comfortable, smile, and enjoy the moment that you're in and the clothes you wear while you're in it!

Happy Friday, Love G

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